Black friday 2019: the most crazy discounts of the year

Black Friday is coming and millions of people are preparing to buy with astronomical discounts. However, the “Black Friday” does not end in just one day but seems to cover a period of 2-3 weeks before Christmas. It is the moment of slowed shopping that has no precedents during the year. Only ion Italy the turnover this year will be of 2 billion euros. It has already started and will end at the end of November.

Black Friday indicates the Friday following thanksgiving in the United States, considered as the beginning of the American Christmas shopping season since 1952. But a term that has only been used in more recent terms and that is followed by “Cyber ​​Monday” , on Monday dedicated to discounts in the electronics sector.

For some, the expression Black Friday was born in Philadelphia and derives from the heavy and congested road traffic that develops for the occasion on that day. The exact origin remains uncertain. In fact, according to some, he would refer to the annotations on the books of traders who went from red, as losses, to black, that is to say gains. For this reason it represents a day of great gains for commercial activities.

In 1924, the day after Thanksgiving, the Macy’s distribution chain organized the first parade to celebrate Christmas shopping, but it was only in the 1980s that Black Friday exploded in the United States and then developed around the world – In Italy the phenomenon it is almost exclusively limited, on the internet but it is also spreading to all the stores.

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